if you missed the live broadcast, it will be available here at 6pm.

Watch today, Sunday Brunch Live on Facebook. Join, David Ramsay from the Cooklyn Channel (@thecooklynchannel), Jackie Washington and Rene Hewitt, as we talk about Soul Food and more. If you don't have Facebook, come back here at 6pm and watch the entire show.

Sunday Brunch is best viewed on a tablet or desktop without using a password. It is a recorded event and we suggest for you to turn off your video and mic features.


Join us this weekend for a special celebration of, Jersey City Pride on Sunday Brunch Live at 4pm. Guests Olympian Silver Medelist Gail Marquis and former Ebony Fashion Fair commentator icon, Audrey Smaltz tell their story on, The Devotion Project film. Then Sunday Brunch co-host Anthony Spirito guides you through the process of bottling pasta sauce. Go to, facebook.com/culinaryhccc or watch at, chefrenehewitt.com/sundaybrunch.

Sunday Brunch with Patricia from Patricia and Paul.com. Today we talk about balsamic vinegars, fused, infused vinegars including how to buy, store and use them.
August 1 at 4PM
Remember we are filming,
so turn your videos and mic off.

This week's featured guest,
on Sunday Brunch was
Maria & Scott Horowitz
